Wednesday, September 30, 2015

SJ Maylee Week 169: Fire & Ice

Picture 1

Picture 2

SJ Maylee’s’ Choice: Both

Title: Fire & Ice

Sasha leaned forward over her leg. Her muscles, still warm from the brisk walk to the theatre, eased into the stretch. She had another ten minutes to prepare her body for the hour performance.

Normally, the muffled noise of the excited audience pushed her through the last minute jitters of opening night but she could no longer deny there was something different about the evening. The same eerie sense she was being watched crawled up her back. For weeks now, the feeling had invaded her thoughts.

Sasha. The same thick raspy voice from last year filled her head.

She pulled her leg from the barre and twirled around. Nothing but dancers surrounded her. She closed her eyes and braced her fists against her sides. With all her strength, she fought the urge to run. All she’d earned would disappear if she ran again.

Sasha. I have come.

She tripped over the dancer behind her and landed hard on her ass. Pain radiated down her leg. She grabbed her thigh.

Your fire is mine. This time, you will not escape me.

She clasped her chest. A fierce storm burned her from within. She searched her thoughts for that cold wet thing, the one image from her childhood she couldn’t erase, the chilly deep puddles that soaked her pant legs and left her shaking for hours. She filled her thoughts of being a little leaf sinking in one of those murky puddles.

The burning sizzled out and her world went black.


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SJ Maylee believes hearts are meant to come together and find love. As a writer she has a tendency to break hearts, but she always glues them back together. You can follow her at @SJMaylee,
