Monday, November 10, 2014

SJ Maylee Week 125: Her Power

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SJ Maylee’s’ Choice: 1

Title: Her Power

It had been a year. Roxanne had felt this day coming. It was like a black hole pulling her towards the one thing she wished she had the power to change.

She’d spent the year trying to find a way to move on with her life. The Fates had won when they’d taken her Jonathon. They kept winning each day they kept them apart. The sharp pain in her heart nagged at her to move on, but she continued to pray she would find him again, that this horrible monotony would be broken.

She walked through the woods surrounding the cabin they’d shared during their last days together. It was her first trip back here. She’d thought it would hurt more, but in this place her memories seemed more alive.

In that moment, she knew she couldn’t move on. She wouldn’t. Not until they could do it together.


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SJ Maylee believes hearts are meant to come together and find love. As a writer she has a tendency to break hearts, but she always glues them back together. You can follow her at @SJMaylee,
