Monday, February 3, 2014

SJ Maylee Week 85: Sailor Girl

Picture 1

Picture 2

SJ Maylee’s’ Choice: 1

Title: Sailor Girl

Another spring had arrived, leaving Alice on edge. Only one thing still took her back to the days when Jimmy was home safe by her side. She feared that the long winter stole the last bit of connection they once shared and only then would she be convinced he wasn’t coming home.

She reached out to the shed door with a shaking hand. A deep breath slowed her progress, but did nothing to diminish her raging nerves. Each year since Jimmy left on the ship, she remembered him less and less. She could barely remember his scent or the warmth of his touch. She’d give anything for one more clear memory.

Her grip tightened around the handle on the shed. A brisk wind ruffled through the yard, raising the tiny hairs at the back of her neck. With a yank, the door swung open. The beautiful navy bike sat right where she’d left it. She rolled it out into the yard. Thinking about the day Jimmy bought it for her.

She closed her eyes and swung her leg over the bike. The wind blew her hair over her should and memories of his tender touch filled her thoughts. He’d kissed her on this bike, their first kiss.

“Come home to me, Jimmy.”


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SJ Maylee believes hearts are meant to come together and find love. As a writer she has a tendency to break hearts, but she always glues them back together. You can follow her at @SJMaylee,



  1. Your sensitive words evoked her strong yearning for a reminder of Jimmy's presence. .These two lines created great images. "A brisk wind ruffled through the yard, raising the tiny hairs at the back of her neck. With a yank, the door swung open."
