Friday, November 22, 2013

Samantha Redstreake Geary Week 74: Cerberus (Part 2 of Kore)

Picture 1

Picture 2

Samantha Redstreake Geary’s Picture Choice: 2

Title: Cerberus (Part 2 of Kore)

“Kore has defied me for the last time!” Aides spits angrily.

Winter has seized the dying earth in its icy grasp, and yet, Kore has not returned. In over a millennia, she has never failed to take her place by his side in the underworld.

Now, he stands in a desolate parking lot in Nashville watching Kore escape through the glacial tempest with her lover. The irony of her fleeing past Athena’s temple only feeds the hungry beast of jealousy ripping its way through his core.

For thousands of years he has loved her, agonized over her, fought for her. He’s never found a way to win her love in return...her growing hatred has left no room for forgiveness.

Anger boiled to the surface of his skin, whispering of vengeance.

”Bring me Cerberus!” Aides orders his minion, “Kore’s consort should satisfy my hellhound’s appetite for live meat.”


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